Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est

#1 03-06-2007 00:34:14

Tour First
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2006
Messages: 2021

Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est

La communauté est-africaine est une union fédérale en formation en afrique de l'est, cette union comprend pour le moment 3 états : Le Kenya , L'Uganda , La Tanzanie ,
Deux états vont accéder à cette union en juillet : Le Burundi , Le Rwanda.
La population totale de la CEA est estimmée à 100M d'hab.
La capitale de la CEA est Arusha (TNZ) : 500.000hab certainement choisie pour sa position centrale et pour sa proximité avec le toit de l'Afrique : le Kilimanjaro.

Ses buts :
-Créer un état fédéral et donc une union politique (2010)
-Créer une devise unique le shilling (2009)
-Ouvrir les frontières pour un marché commun (2010)

La CEA possède déja son drapeau ainsi qu'une hymne.

Voila un Topic SSC consacré à la CEA :

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#2 30-11-2007 15:29:17

Tour First
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2006
Messages: 2021

Re: Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est

30th November : EAC Day
Pas de bilan mais juste un résumé des actions en cours ou en projet.

EAC a écrit:

Feature Prepared by the EAC Directorate of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs on the Occasion of EAC Day, 30th November 2007

The EAC DAY is being observed against the background of major developments and expansion of the regional programme, reflecting a serious determination of the five EAC Partner States (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi) to construct a strong regional bloc. The 3rd East African Development Strategy (2006-2010), which was launched in November 2006, sets out an ambitious programme and targets towards the realization of a vastly transformed and fast modernizing East African region by the year 2010/2015.

Trade, Finance, and Investment

The focus of the activities of the EAC during 2007 was the ongoing consolidation of the Customs Union. There was significant leveraging of the regional programme in the promotion of trade and investments as well as development of regional infrastructure. The Customs Union, launched in 2005 took on a life of its own; its positive impact on increased intra-EAC trade and growth of revenue was felt and shared in all the Partner States. These developments give confidence in the on going preparations for the establishment of the Common Market by 2012.

Transport and Communications

In the Infrastructure sub-sector, steady progress was maintained on the East African Road Network Project, in particular the Mombasa – Katuna Road (Northern Corridor) and the Dar es Salaam - Mutukula Road (Central Corridor), which were taken to the implementation stages. Works on these roads are now targeted for completion in the next two years. The construction of the Arusha-Namanga- Athi River road is now planned to commence by the end of this year while feasibility and design studies continue for the Arusha – Holili – Taveta – Voi; and investment preparations for the Tanga – Horohoro – Malindi road.

On the Railways sub sector, the East African Railways Master Plan Study is ongoing. The handover of Kenya Railways Corporation and Uganda Railways Corporation to Rift Valley Railways Company took place as scheduled on 1st November 2006.  The concession agreement between RITES of India and the Government of Tanzania was initialed in November 2006. Meanwhile, the Governments of Tanzania and Zambia are studying the recommendations of the Chinese Study Team report to chart the way forward for the concessioning of TAZARA.

In the Civil Aviation sub-sector, the EAC Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) was established in April 2007. The establishment of the Agency, the first of its kind in Africa, is in line with the Convention on International Air Transport and will support the Partner States in implementing the best practices and recommended standards in civil aviation according to their obligations under the Convention. With the establishment of CASSOA, the EAC has underscored the important role a safe and secure aviation industry in the stimulation of investments and   productivity and development of tourism, international trade, among other sectors.

Agriculture and food security

EAC continues to place emphasis on agriculture and food security.  During 2006, the EAC Partner States adopted and signed the instruments in the development of Agriculture and attainment of Food Security for the Community, including the Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy. The Agriculture and Rural Development Programme is one of the identified major planks of the 3rd EAC Development Strategy whose implementation would be placed on a high priority in the period ahead. 


The serious effects of the drought on the regional economies continue to galvanize attention on urgent measures to redress the energy deficit in the region. The East African Power Master Plan envisages a timeframe of up to seven years to a full fledged Regional Power System with the creation of a Power Pool as a central feature. The implementation of the Power Master Plan will cover both power generation and transmission projects at an estimated cost of US$ 1.2 billion and US$ 600 million respectively for generation and transmission projects over the implementation period.

Meanwhile, the 3rd East African Petroleum Conference was held in Arusha in March 2007 against the background of the positive developments  in the  discoveries of traces of oil in the Albertine Graben, in Uganda during 2006 by Hardman Resources and Heritage Oil and Gas ; the location  of gas deposits  in the Mkuranga well  south of Dar es Salaam by Maurel and Prom; the development of the Mnazi Bay gas field by Artumas Group  to use the gas to produce electricity for Mtwara and Lindi regions;  not to mention  the earlier discoveries of gas  in Songo Songo  which is  on-stream;  the first drilling of an exploration well in deep waters offshore Kenya by Woodside Energy Limited; and the ongoing development of the geothermal potential  in the Kenya section of the Great Rift Valley .

Tourism and Wildlife Management

There was a major breakthrough in the tourist sector with the launching of joint marketing of East Africa as a single tourist destination. EAC participated in the World Travel Market (WTM) in London in November 2006 and November 2007 and also in the International Tourism Fair in Berlin in March 2007   at which the Partner States held joint promotion under one common exhibition area for the first time at the international tourism fairs. It is planned that the East African tourist boards will extend such joint promotion and marketing to the Asian, Far Eastern and American markets in the period ahead.

Lake Victoria Basin Commission

The Lake Victoria Basin Commission was launched on 11 July 2007. The Commission is now set to roll out the   development programmes of the Lake, including safety of navigation, environmental protection and conservation and overall sustainable development of the Lake and its basin.  The activities include the management of the Mount Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP) which embraces parts of Uganda and Kenya; and the Lake Victoria Region Water and Sanitation Initiative project is being implemented in partnership with UN - HABITAT.

Social Sectors

Under the social sectors, the establishment of the new Commissions - the East African Science and Technology Commission, East African Kiswahili Commission and the East African Health Research Commission - in 2007 set the stage for their full operationalization during the coming year which will bear significant impact on the socio-economic development of the region and strengthening the integration process. Also, under the social sectors, the negotiations of the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, Labour, Services, Right of Establishment and Residence are being undertaken jointly with the negotiations of the East African Common Market whose establishment has been prioritized in the Third Development Strategy.

Regional Peace and Security

The Peace and Security sector has continued to be vibrant with ongoing consultations on the development of the Strategy for Regional Peace and Security. The Strategy recognizes the inter-linkage between defence and security issues. A joint forum comprising of the two sectors has been established at the policy level to manage the crosscutting issues, including policing the region and combating cross-border crime. Preparations got underway for the establishment of the Directorate of Peace and Security at the EAC Secretariat. Another significant development was the establishment of the Nyerere Peace Research Centre that will undertake research and exchange programmes on conflict management and resolution. 

Future Outlook

The period under review effectively launches the definitive phase of deepening regional integration with its major thrusts on the prioritized projects and programmes in the consolidation of the Customs Union; establishment of the Common Market; Infrastructure development; Lake Victoria development programme; and Human resource, science and technology development.

The EAC has fundamental policy targeting   jobs and employment creation, the primary objective of the Community being to raise the living standards of the people of East Africa through their enterprise and collaborative effort.  Jobs creation is indeed a critical issue in East Africa and the future political stability in the region hinges on how the region addresses the employment deficit affecting particularly the youth. To this extent, the major planks of the 3rd EAC Development Strategy - private sector development, industrialization, infrastructure development, rural and agricultural development - will be   promoted with a focus on jobs creation and poverty reduction. Ongoing and new enterprises will be promoted across the board in addressing the need for employment generation and wealth creation in both the formal and informal sectors during the five-year period of the 3rd EAC Development Strategy.

Directorate of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

East African Community (EAC)


le site de la CEA :

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#3 27-03-2008 10:11:06

Tour First
Date d'inscription: 05-11-2006
Messages: 2021

Re: Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est

L'Ukéréwé (Lac Victoria) est un des enjeux et symboles fédérateurs de la CEA, voici un article interressant :

extrait :

EAC a écrit:

Lake Victoria, the large water mass located at the heart of East Africa is considered one of the most important shared natural resources of the East African Community countries. The Lake bestrides the three East African Community countries as a symbol of their natural and lasting unity.

Beyond the symbolic significance, the Lake is a resource of great socio-economic potential. Covering an area of 69,000 sq. km, it is the second largest fresh water body in the world after Lake Superior and it is the source of the Nile.

The Lake Victoria catchment area covers 193,000 sq. km in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania as well as parts of Rwanda and Burundi. This area, invariably described as the Lake Victoria Basin and the East African Lake Region, is the size of an average African country with a population of over 30 million and a gross economic product in the order of US$ 5 billion.

plus :

Dernière modification par volteface (27-03-2008 10:15:34)

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